No matter what your concerns are about your overall health and wellbeing, there are always tips and tricks that can benefit you and your entire family! The first step is contacting someone who can help.
Breaking addictions
The standard American diet is loaded with items that are not actual food. These choices create unhealthy addictions that become overwhelming and difficult to break. I have yet to meet a client or family that I can't help along the path of breaking free from unwanted addictions. One little boy was addicted to red #40. (Commonly found in most red candies). Through simply trading out the candies he liked, with ones colored naturally with beet juice, his addiction was broken. This also massively reduced his tics caused from turrets.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
This is a condition where I have seen clients benefit greatly from an evaluation of supplements they are currently taking, through a close look at what they are eating, as well as certain exercises and activities. Those who suffer with this ailment can understand how much any amount of relief would benefit them.
Nutritional deficiencies
Typically, although we may try, we are not getting the recommended amount of nutrients needed to prevent disease and reach ultimate wellness. I teach tips and tricks to increase nutritional intake. These tips are often personalized for their specific needs and likes.
This is a condition that has seemed to come out of nowhere, but effects so many! Through just one session, clients report a major life change, including, an increase in energy, a more pleasant mood, less overall body aches, and a feeling that they have more control over the way they feel.
Neurological Challenges
Whether the struggles are with attention, focus, memory or something more severe, there are several ways to improve up them. The relief clients feel when they start seeing positive changes is amazing.
Energy Level
This is one of the most common complaints today! Ironically it is also one of the simplest to remedy!
Inflammation in the body is the root cause of so many ailments. Clients see relief on under a week with some simple steps to reduce inflammation!
Some happy faces of those who took their health into their hands!